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Indoor: CoEd REV 4s - WED - Fall 23

Download Schedule
Download Tournament Bracket
Sponsor and Specials: Skyway Recreation Center

Team Standings

The Net is Too Low
Nips before Tips
It’s us
Phat Pass
The replacements
Here for Beers
The Bad Benanas
3 Queens and a Joker
Pass and titties
Big Dig Energy
Just Setting In Reverse
Try Hards
The Mud Puppies
For F**k's Sake


No announcements.

League Schedule

Date/TimeScheduled TeamsLocation
10/4/2023, 6:15 PM The Mud Puppies (1-7) @ For F**k's Sake (0-8)
SCORE: 3 - 0
SRC #1
10/4/2023, 6:15 PM The Bad Benanas (4-4) @ It’s us (6-2)
SCORE: 0 - 3
SRC #2
10/4/2023, 6:15 PM Here for Beers (4-4) @ Just Setting In Reverse (2-6)
SCORE: 3 - 0
SRC #3
10/4/2023, 7:05 PM Phat Pass (6-2) @ 3 Queens and a Joker (3-5)
SCORE: 3 - 0
SRC #3
10/4/2023, 7:05 PM Try Hards (2-6) @ The replacements (5-3)
SCORE: 0 - 3
SRC #2
10/4/2023, 7:05 PM Riffner (8-0) @ The Net is Too Low (7-1)
SCORE: 2 - 1
SRC #1
10/4/2023, 7:55 PM Kokomo (7-1) @ Pass and titties (3-5)
SCORE: 2 - 1
SRC #1
10/11/2023, 7:55 PM The Net is Too Low (7-1) @ Phat Pass (6-2)
SCORE: 2 - 1
SRC #1
10/11/2023, 8:45 PM Nips before Tips (7-1) @ Perco-sets (1-7)
SCORE: 3 - 0
SRC #1
10/11/2023, 8:45 PM 3 Queens and a Joker (3-5) @ Try Hards (2-6)
SCORE: 3 - 0
SRC #3
10/11/2023, 8:45 PM Pass and titties (3-5) @ Riffner (8-0)
SCORE: 0 - 3
SRC #2
10/11/2023, 9:35 PM For F**k's Sake (0-8) @ Here for Beers (4-4)
SCORE: 1 - 2
SRC #2
10/11/2023, 9:35 PM It’s us (6-2) @ Kokomo (7-1)
SCORE: 3 - 0
SRC #3
10/11/2023, 9:35 PM Big Dig Energy (2-6) @ The Mud Puppies (1-7)
SCORE: 2 - 1
SRC #1
10/18/2023, 6:15 PM Phat Pass (6-2) @ The Bad Benanas (4-4)
SCORE: 3 - 0
SRC #1
10/18/2023, 6:15 PM The replacements (5-3) @ 3 Queens and a Joker (3-5)
SCORE: 2 - 1
SRC #2
10/18/2023, 6:15 PM Here for Beers (4-4) @ Big Dig Energy (2-6)
SCORE: 3 - 0
SRC #3
10/18/2023, 7:05 PM Try Hards (2-6) @ The Net is Too Low (7-1)
SCORE: 1 - 2
SRC #3
10/18/2023, 7:05 PM Just Setting In Reverse (2-6) @ Nips before Tips (7-1)
SCORE: 0 - 3
SRC #2
10/18/2023, 7:05 PM Riffner (8-0) @ It’s us (6-2)
SCORE: 3 - 0
SRC #1
10/18/2023, 7:55 PM Perco-sets (1-7) @ Pass and titties (3-5)
SCORE: 3 - 0
SRC #1
10/25/2023, 7:55 PM The Bad Benanas (4-4) @ Just Setting In Reverse (2-6)
SCORE: 0 - 3
SRC #1
10/25/2023, 8:45 PM The Mud Puppies (1-7) @ Here for Beers (4-4)
SCORE: 1 - 2
SRC #1
10/25/2023, 8:45 PM Nips before Tips (7-1) @ For F**k's Sake (0-8)
SCORE: 3 - 0
SRC #3
10/25/2023, 8:45 PM Kokomo (7-1) @ Perco-sets (1-7)
SCORE: 3 - 0
SRC #2
10/25/2023, 9:35 PM The Net is Too Low (7-1) @ The replacements (5-3)
SCORE: 3 - 0
SRC #2
10/25/2023, 9:35 PM It’s us (6-2) @ Phat Pass (6-2)
SCORE: 2 - 1
SRC #3
10/25/2023, 9:35 PM Pass and titties (3-5) @ Try Hards (2-6)
SCORE: 2 - 1
SRC #1
11/1/2023, 6:15 PM Just Setting In Reverse (2-6) @ Kokomo (7-1)
SCORE: 0 - 3
SRC #1
11/1/2023, 6:15 PM For F**k's Sake (0-8) @ The Bad Benanas (4-4)
SCORE: 0 - 3
SRC #2
11/1/2023, 6:15 PM Try Hards (2-6) @ It’s us (6-2)
SCORE: 0 - 3
SRC #3
11/1/2023, 7:05 PM The replacements (5-3) @ Pass and titties (3-5)
SCORE: 0 - 3
SRC #3
11/1/2023, 7:05 PM Big Dig Energy (2-6) @ Nips before Tips (7-1)
SCORE: 0 - 3
SRC #2
11/1/2023, 7:05 PM 3 Queens and a Joker (3-5) @ The Net is Too Low (7-1)
SCORE: 1 - 2
SRC #1
11/1/2023, 7:55 PM Perco-sets (1-7) @ Riffner (8-0)
SCORE: 0 - 3
SRC #1
11/8/2023, 7:55 PM Nips before Tips (7-1) @ The Mud Puppies (1-7)
SCORE: 3 - 0
SRC #1
11/8/2023, 8:45 PM Phat Pass (6-2) @ Perco-sets (1-7)
SCORE: 3 - 0
SRC #1
11/8/2023, 8:45 PM Kokomo (7-1) @ For F**k's Sake (0-8)
SCORE: 3 - 0
SRC #3
11/8/2023, 8:45 PM It’s us (6-2) @ The replacements (5-3)
SCORE: 2 - 1
SRC #2
11/8/2023, 9:35 PM The Bad Benanas (4-4) @ Big Dig Energy (2-6)
SCORE: 1 - 2
SRC #2
11/8/2023, 9:35 PM Pass and titties (3-5) @ 3 Queens and a Joker (3-5)
SCORE: 2 - 1
SRC #3
11/8/2023, 9:35 PM Riffner (8-0) @ Just Setting In Reverse (2-6)
SCORE: 3 - 0
SRC #1
11/15/2023, 6:15 PM 3 Queens and a Joker (3-5) @ It’s us (6-2)
SCORE: 0 - 3
SRC #1
11/15/2023, 6:15 PM Here for Beers (4-4) @ Nips before Tips (7-1)
SCORE: 1 - 2
SRC #2
11/15/2023, 6:15 PM For F**k's Sake (0-8) @ Riffner (8-0)
SCORE: 0 - 3
SRC #3
11/15/2023, 7:05 PM The Mud Puppies (1-7) @ The Bad Benanas (4-4)
SCORE: 0 - 3
SRC #3
11/15/2023, 7:05 PM Just Setting In Reverse (2-6) @ Phat Pass (6-2)
SCORE: 0 - 3
SRC #2
11/15/2023, 7:05 PM Big Dig Energy (2-6) @ Kokomo (7-1)
SCORE: 1 - 2
SRC #1
11/15/2023, 7:55 PM Perco-sets (1-7) @ Try Hards (2-6)
SCORE: 1 - 2
SRC #1
11/22/2023, 7:55 PM Phat Pass (6-2) @ For F**k's Sake (0-8)
SCORE: 3 - 0
SRC #1
11/22/2023, 8:45 PM Try Hards (2-6) @ Just Setting In Reverse (2-6)
SCORE: 1 - 2
SRC #1
11/22/2023, 8:45 PM The Net is Too Low (7-1) @ Pass and titties (3-5)
SCORE: 3 - 0
SRC #3
11/22/2023, 8:45 PM The replacements (5-3) @ Perco-sets (1-7)
SCORE: 2 - 1
SRC #2
11/22/2023, 9:35 PM Riffner (8-0) @ Big Dig Energy (2-6)
SCORE: 3 - 0
SRC #2
11/22/2023, 9:35 PM Kokomo (7-1) @ The Mud Puppies (1-7)
SCORE: 3 - 0
SRC #3
11/22/2023, 9:35 PM The Bad Benanas (4-4) @ Here for Beers (4-4)
SCORE: 2 - 1
SRC #1
11/29/2023, 6:15 PM It’s us (6-2) @ The Net is Too Low (7-1)
SCORE: 1 - 2
SRC #1
11/29/2023, 6:15 PM Big Dig Energy (2-6) @ The replacements (5-3)
SCORE: 1 - 2
SRC #2
11/29/2023, 6:15 PM For F**k's Sake (0-8) @ Try Hards (2-6)
SCORE: 0 - 3
SRC #3
11/29/2023, 7:05 PM Nips before Tips (7-1) @ The Bad Benanas (4-4)
SCORE: 1 - 2
SRC #3
11/29/2023, 7:05 PM The Mud Puppies (1-7) @ Riffner (8-0)
SCORE: 1 - 2
SRC #2
11/29/2023, 7:05 PM Here for Beers (4-4) @ Kokomo (7-1)
SCORE: 1 - 2
SRC #1
11/29/2023, 7:55 PM Perco-sets (1-7) @ 3 Queens and a Joker (3-5)
SCORE: 0 - 3
SRC #1
12/6/2023, 7:55 PM Here for Beers (4-4) @ The Net is Too Low (7-1)
SCORE: 1 - 2
SRC #1
12/6/2023, 8:45 PM Big Dig Energy (2-6) @ Phat Pass (6-2)
SCORE: 1 - 2
SRC #1
12/6/2023, 8:45 PM The Mud Puppies (1-7) @ 3 Queens and a Joker (3-5)
SCORE: 0 - 3
SRC #2
12/6/2023, 9:35 PM Just Setting In Reverse (2-6) @ The replacements (5-3)
SCORE: 0 - 3
SRC #2
12/6/2023, 9:35 PM Nips before Tips (7-1) @ Pass and titties (3-5)
SCORE: 2 - 1
SRC #1