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Indoor: CoEd FF6s - THU - Winter 24

Download Schedule
Download Tournament Bracket
Sponsor and Specials: Skyway Recreation Center

Team Standings

F*ck Brad
Set Katie
Consensual Set's
Cabs are here!
OneHitWonders - Cohen
Blood, Sweat, & Beer
Broomshakalaka (3)
Flailing Weirdos
Better On Beer
Setsy Time
Good Vibe Tribe
Ace Down Sets Up
The Smack Pack
Saved by the Net
All Sets are Off
One Hit Wonders - Ross


League starts 1/11.

League Schedule

Date/TimeScheduled TeamsLocation
1/11/2024, 6:30 PM Flailing Weirdos (4-3) @ Saved by the Net (1-6)
SCORE: 3 - 0
SRC #2
1/11/2024, 7:20 PM OneHitWonders - Cohen (5-2) @ Setsy Time (4-3)
SCORE: 2 - 1
SRC #2
1/11/2024, 8:10 PM Cabs are here! (5-2) @ WTF (4-3)
SCORE: 2 - 1
SRC #2
1/11/2024, 9:00 PM Consensual Set's (6-1) @ The Smack Pack (1-6)
SCORE: 3 - 0
SRC #2
1/11/2024, 9:50 PM F*ck Brad (6-2) @ Good Vibe Tribe (3-4)
SCORE: 2 - 1
SRC #2
1/18/2024, 6:30 PM Blood, Sweat, & Beer (5-2) @ Set Katie (6-1)
SCORE: 1 - 2
SRC #2
1/18/2024, 7:20 PM Better On Beer (4-3) @ Ace Down Sets Up (2-5)
SCORE: 2 - 1
SRC #2
1/18/2024, 8:10 PM All Sets are Off (0-7) @ Broomshakalaka (3) (4-3)
SCORE: 0 - 3
SRC #2
1/18/2024, 9:00 PM Saved by the Net (1-6) @ Cabs are here! (5-2)
SCORE: 0 - 3
SRC #2
1/18/2024, 9:50 PM The Smack Pack (1-6) @ OneHitWonders - Cohen (5-2)
SCORE: 1 - 2
SRC #2
1/25/2024, 6:30 PM Broomshakalaka (3) (4-3) @ F*ck Brad (6-2)
SCORE: 2 - 1
SRC #2
1/25/2024, 7:20 PM Set Katie (6-1) @ All Sets are Off (0-7)
SCORE: 2 - 1
SRC #2
1/25/2024, 8:10 PM Setsy Time (4-3) @ Blood, Sweat, & Beer (5-2)
SCORE: 3 - 0
SRC #2
1/25/2024, 9:00 PM One Hit Wonders - Ross (0-7) @ Flailing Weirdos (4-3)
SCORE: 0 - 3
SRC #2
1/25/2024, 9:50 PM WTF (4-3) @ Better On Beer (4-3)
SCORE: 2 - 1
SRC #2
2/1/2024, 6:30 PM Ace Down Sets Up (2-5) @ Consensual Set's (6-1)
SCORE: 1 - 2
SRC #2
2/1/2024, 7:20 PM Good Vibe Tribe (3-4) @ Broomshakalaka (3) (4-3)
SCORE: 2 - 1
SRC #2
2/1/2024, 8:10 PM Better On Beer (4-3) @ Saved by the Net (1-6)
SCORE: 3 - 0
SRC #2
2/1/2024, 9:00 PM Blood, Sweat, & Beer (5-2) @ The Smack Pack (1-6)
SCORE: 2 - 1
SRC #2
2/1/2024, 9:50 PM Cabs are here! (5-2) @ One Hit Wonders - Ross (0-7)
SCORE: 3 - 0
SRC #2
2/8/2024, 6:30 PM All Sets are Off (0-7) @ Setsy Time (4-3)
SCORE: 0 - 3
SRC #2
2/8/2024, 7:20 PM F*ck Brad (6-2) @ Set Katie (6-1)
SCORE: 3 - 0
SRC #2
2/8/2024, 8:10 PM Consensual Set's (6-1) @ WTF (4-3)
SCORE: 2 - 1
SRC #2
2/8/2024, 9:00 PM OneHitWonders - Cohen (5-2) @ Ace Down Sets Up (2-5)
SCORE: 2 - 1
SRC #2
2/8/2024, 9:50 PM Flailing Weirdos (4-3) @ Cabs are here! (5-2)
SCORE: 0 - 3
SRC #2
2/15/2024, 6:30 PM Saved by the Net (1-6) @ Consensual Set's (6-1)
SCORE: 1 - 2
SRC #2
2/15/2024, 7:20 PM The Smack Pack (1-6) @ All Sets are Off (0-7)
SCORE: 3 - 0
SRC #2
2/15/2024, 8:10 PM WTF (4-3) @ OneHitWonders - Cohen (5-2)
SCORE: 2 - 1
SRC #2
2/15/2024, 9:00 PM Setsy Time (4-3) @ F*ck Brad (6-2)
SCORE: 1 - 2
SRC #2
2/15/2024, 9:50 PM Ace Down Sets Up (2-5) @ Blood, Sweat, & Beer (5-2)
SCORE: 1 - 2
SRC #2
2/22/2024, 6:30 PM One Hit Wonders - Ross (0-7) @ Better On Beer (4-3)
SCORE: 0 - 3
SRC #2
2/22/2024, 7:20 PM OneHitWonders - Cohen (5-2) @ Saved by the Net (1-6)
SCORE: 2 - 1
SRC #2
2/22/2024, 8:10 PM Set Katie (6-1) @ Good Vibe Tribe (3-4)
SCORE: 2 - 1
SRC #2
2/22/2024, 9:00 PM All Sets are Off (0-7) @ Ace Down Sets Up (2-5)
SCORE: 1 - 2
SRC #2
2/22/2024, 9:50 PM Blood, Sweat, & Beer (5-2) @ WTF (4-3)
SCORE: 2 - 1
SRC #2
2/29/2024, 6:30 PM Better On Beer (4-3) @ Flailing Weirdos (4-3)
SCORE: 0 - 3
SRC #2
2/29/2024, 7:20 PM Consensual Set's (6-1) @ One Hit Wonders - Ross (0-7)
SCORE: 2 - 1
SRC #2
2/29/2024, 8:10 PM Broomshakalaka (3) (4-3) @ Set Katie (6-1)
SCORE: 1 - 2
SRC #2
2/29/2024, 9:00 PM Good Vibe Tribe (3-4) @ Setsy Time (4-3)
SCORE: 1 - 2
SRC #2
2/29/2024, 9:50 PM F*ck Brad (6-2) @ The Smack Pack (1-6)
SCORE: 2 - 1
SRC #2
3/7/2024, 6:30 PM The Smack Pack (1-6) @ Good Vibe Tribe (3-4)
SCORE: 0 - 3
SRC #2
3/7/2024, 7:20 PM Saved by the Net (1-6) @ Blood, Sweat, & Beer (5-2)
SCORE: 1 - 2
SRC #2
3/7/2024, 8:10 PM One Hit Wonders - Ross (0-7) @ OneHitWonders - Cohen (5-2)
SCORE: 1 - 2
SRC #2
3/7/2024, 9:00 PM Cabs are here! (5-2) @ Better On Beer (4-3)
SCORE: 0 - 3
SRC #2
3/7/2024, 9:50 PM Setsy Time (4-3) @ Broomshakalaka (3) (4-3)
SCORE: 2 - 1
SRC #2
3/14/2024, 6:30 PM Ace Down Sets Up (2-5) @ F*ck Brad (6-2)
SCORE: 1 - 2
SRC #2
3/14/2024, 7:20 PM Flailing Weirdos (4-3) @ Consensual Set's (6-1)
SCORE: 1 - 2
SRC #2
3/14/2024, 8:10 PM Broomshakalaka (3) (4-3) @ The Smack Pack (1-6)
SCORE: 3 - 0
SRC #2
3/14/2024, 9:00 PM Blood, Sweat, & Beer (5-2) @ One Hit Wonders - Ross (0-7)
SCORE: 2 - 1
SRC #2
3/14/2024, 9:50 PM WTF (4-3) @ All Sets are Off (0-7)
SCORE: 2 - 1
SRC #2
3/21/2024, 6:30 PM Cabs are here! (5-2) @ Set Katie (6-1)
SCORE: 0 - 3
SRC #2
3/21/2024, 7:20 PM F*ck Brad (6-2) @ WTF (4-3)
SCORE: 1 - 2
SRC #2
3/21/2024, 8:10 PM One Hit Wonders - Ross (0-7) @ Good Vibe Tribe (3-4)
SCORE: 0 - 3
SRC #2
3/21/2024, 9:00 PM Flailing Weirdos (4-3) @ Broomshakalaka (3) (4-3)
SCORE: 1 - 2
SRC #2
3/21/2024, 9:50 PM All Sets are Off (0-7) @ Saved by the Net (1-6)
SCORE: 1 - 2
SRC #2
3/28/2024, 6:30 PM Good Vibe Tribe (3-4) @ Ace Down Sets Up (2-5)
SCORE: 0 - 3
SRC #2
3/28/2024, 7:20 PM Set Katie (6-1) @ Setsy Time (4-3)
SCORE: 2 - 1
SRC #2
3/28/2024, 8:10 PM Consensual Set's (6-1) @ Cabs are here! (5-2)
SCORE: 0 - 3
SRC #2
3/28/2024, 9:00 PM OneHitWonders - Cohen (5-2) @ Flailing Weirdos (4-3)
SCORE: 0 - 3
SRC #2
3/28/2024, 9:50 PM F*ck Brad (6-2) @ Better On Beer (4-3)
SCORE: 2 - 1
SRC #2